Semi-Auto Rifle Training

Our rifle courses are created with the modern semi-automatic sporting rifle in mind, such as the AR-15 rifle style, the “AR Other” the pistol caliber carbine or the AK style firearm.

Our knowledgeable and experienced instructors can take you from a basic familiarization to “expert rifle operator” in a seamless, progressive manner. Our instructors have years of operational, tactical, competitive and professional experience to show you the best techniques for properly using the AR-15 style rifle, other or pistol caliber carbine. All of our courses are based upon “real-world” necessities and will provide you with the training that you need to utilize these firearms with proficiency and confidence.

To check for training dates and times or to register for any of the classes listed below (scroll down), please go to our Class Calendar page.

As an informational footnote, the term AR does not refer to Assault Rifle as many would like you to believe, but stands for ArmaLite Rifle, the original manufacturer of this style rifle. 

2025 February

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Basic AR

(Includes “Others” and pistol caliber carbines)

Duration: 3.0 hours

This is the basic introduction to the AR-15 style firearm and covers the basic function, operation, and maintenance of this style semi-automatic rifle. This course provides the new AR-15 style firearm owner with the basic information of how to safely operate semi-auto rifles, ballistic information, and how they function. The class also includes instruction on how to use the “iron sights” and how to properly and quickly sight-in the rifle. Additional instruction will be given on AR-15 maintenance, the proper selection of the AR-15 style firearm and accessories, an understanding of “Others”, N.J. compliance issues, and an introduction to AR-15 operation and basic marksmanship. This class is a blend of classroom and live-fire range sessions. We will teach you fool-proof methods of operating and shooting this rifle effectively and efficiently.

Each 3.0 hour Basic AR/Other session includes targets, classroom and live fire range time.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the class.

Prerequisite: None

Attire: Attendees should wear comfortable clothing to include a long sleeve crew neck style shirt and closed toe footwear. The wearing of a brimmed ball cap is suggested.

Equipment: Students should bring their AR-15 rifle, pistol caliber carbine or other to this class. Rental firearms may be available but must be reserved prior to the date of class. If using a TTC rental firearm, user must shoot TTC provided ammunition.

Shooters should bring at least three (3) full-bodied magazines and 100 rounds of ammunition.

Safety: Both hearing and eye protection are required, and if not owned, can be purchased through us at a discounted package price.

Waivers: If you have not already done so, the required general liability waiver can be downloaded and completed on-line before your scheduled training session if you prefer:

  1. General release of liability waiver (required annually).
  2. Rental firearm use waiver-must be completed on the day of training if a TTC rental firearm is to be used for this training. If using a TTC rental firearm, ammunition must be purchased from us to be used in our firearm.


2025 February

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(Includes “Others” and pistol caliber carbines)

Duration: 6.0 Hours (two-3.0 hour sessions)

The Intermediate AR/Other course is a two part training program, with each session being three hours each in duration.  The Intermediate AR / Other Class is “hands-on” in nature and is based upon the fundamentals acquired through the Basic AR program.  As students learn their way through this series of training they will develop a sense of how to best operate their AR and will begin developing competence, confidence and trust with the AR Platform.  The underlying concept in these classes is for the student to learn to defend him/herself and their family with this tool. You will be coached forward at a comfortable pace and will be given insights from our instructors’ law enforcement and/or military experience.


(Includes “Others” and pistol caliber carbines):

Duration: 3.0 Hours

Reliability and introduction to marksmanship

This class focuses on AR/OTHER reliability by incorporating a standardized loading, unloading and reloading procedure, allowing for safety and confidence while simultaneously ensuring 100% reliability.   The class also includes an introduction to marksmanship fundamentals.  The students will learn the concepts of proper stance, body positions, grip, trigger press and sight alignment.  Demonstration, dry fire and live fire drills will be incorporated into the class.

Each 3.0 hour Intermediate AR/Other session includes targets, classroom and live fire range time.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the class.

Prerequisite: Basic AR

Attire: Attendees should wear comfortable clothing to include a long sleeve crew neck style shirt and closed toe footwear. The wearing of a brimmed ball cap is suggested.

Equipment: Students should bring their AR-15 rifle, pistol caliber carbine or other to this class. Firearm should be equipped with both “iron sights” and a tactical sling. Rental firearms may be available but must be reserved prior to the date of class. If using a TTC rental firearm, user must shoot TTC provided ammunition. Shooters should bring at least three (3) full-bodied magazines and 100 rounds of ammunition.

Safety: Both hearing and eye protection are required.

Waivers: If you have not already done so, the required general liability waiver can be downloaded and completed on-line before your scheduled training session if you prefer:

  1. General release of liability waiver (required annually).
  2. Rental firearm use waiver-must be completed on the day of training if a TTC rental firearm is to be used for this training. If using a TTC rental firearm, ammunition must be purchased from us to be used in our firearm.


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(Includes “Others” and pistol caliber carbines):

Duration: 3.0 Hours


Intermediate AR #2 builds upon the skills acquired in session #1 and emphasizes the development of practical AR marksmanship fundamentals.  The student will refine their understanding and application of AR operation, stance, rifle positions, grip, trigger press, sight alignment and marksmanship.  At the conclusion of this class, the student will possess the ability to operate the AR style firearm with both efficiency and effectiveness. Demonstration, dry fire and live fire drills will be incorporated into the class.

Each 3.0 hour Intermediate AR/Other session includes targets, classroom and live fire range time.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the class.

Prerequisite: Intermediate AR #1

Attire: Attendees should wear comfortable clothing to include a long sleeve crew neck style shirt and closed toe footwear. The wearing of a brimmed ball cap is suggested.

Equipment: Students should bring their AR-15 rifle, pistol caliber carbine or other to this class. Firearm should be equipped with both “iron sights” and a tactical sling. Rental firearms may be available but must be reserved prior to the date of class. If using a TTC rental firearm, user must shoot TTC provided ammunition. Shooters should bring at least three (3) full-bodied magazines and 100 rounds of ammunition.

Safety: Both hearing and eye protection are required.

Waivers: If you have not already done so, the required general liability waiver can be downloaded and completed on-line before your scheduled training session if you prefer:

  1. General release of liability waiver (required annually).
  2. Rental firearm use waiver-must be completed on the day of training if a TTC rental firearm is to be used for this training. If using a TTC rental firearm, ammunition must be purchased from us to be used in our firearm.


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Advanced AR/Other Series

The Advanced AR/Other classes are a series of two classes, 3 – 4 hours each in duration. The class emphasizes procedural loading, unloading and reloading to eliminate operator induced malfunctions. In addition, safe and proper handling are incorporated with enhanced marksmanship techniques.

Class I: Methods for mastering basic operation skills. Best practices for putting the firearm into action, mounting the firearm and carrying efficiency.  Understanding the concepts of movement with a rifle/carbine. Precision marksmanship and position techniques.

Class II: Advanced methods of movement. Movement to cover/concealment. Understanding stable shooting platforms. Best suggested practices for the transition to a sidearm. Advanced reloading and operation techniques.

Equipment for both classes:  Students should bring their AR/Other or other suitable long-arm (no shotguns) equipped with a sling, at least three full-bodied magazines, 150 rounds of ammunition, range safety gear to include a long sleeve crew-neck shirt, athlete shoes or boots. “Sighted-in” optics on the platform are optional. Students should bring a handgun, holster and 50 rounds of handgun ammo to Class II.



(Includes “Others” and pistol caliber carbines):

Duration: 3.0 Hours

Low Light AR is a three (3) hour class focusing on the elements of operation and marksmanship skills with the AR type rifle, Other or similar semi-automatic rifle in low light or subdued lighting conditions.  The class will include instruction, demonstration and a series of drills directed towards successfully operating this style firearm in low light conditions.  At the conclusion of this course the student will possess a thorough understanding on their lighting system and its appropriate application to include tactical considerations.

The 3.0 hour Low Light AR class includes targets, classroom and live fire range time.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the class.

Prerequisite: Intermediate AR #2 or higher

Attire: Attendees should wear comfortable clothing to include a long sleeve crew neck style shirt and closed toe footwear. The wearing of a brimmed ball cap is suggested.

Equipment: Students should bring their AR-15 rifle, pistol caliber carbine or other with both tactical sling and mounted lighting system to this class. Shooters should bring at least three (3) full-bodied magazines and 100 rounds of ammunition.

Safety: Both hearing and eye protection are required.

Due to the nature of this class, operating in subdued lighting conditions, students should be familiar with the operation of their firearm minimally at an intermediate level.

Waivers: If you have not already done so, the required general liability waiver can be downloaded and completed on-line before your scheduled training session if you prefer:

  1. General release of liability waiver (required annually).
  2. Rental firearms should not be utilized for this class


Introduction to the AK Style Rifle


Duration: 2.0 Hours

This class is a must-take for the New to Intermediate level AK style firearm owner/user.  The class focuses on the unique features and characteristics that separate the AK style rifle from more frequently encountered firearms.  The class will cover the efficient manipulation of the combination selector lever/dust cover, as well as proper and safe loading and unloading.  The class also provides instruction on proper shooting positions, marksmanship and effectively correcting malfunctions that may occur.  At the conclusion of this training the student will have a good grasp on both operation and marksmanship with this unique style of firearm.

The 2.0 hour Introduction to the AK Style Rifle class includes targets, classroom and practical based range time.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the class.

Attire: It is strongly recommended that the shooter bring a set of gloves. Attendees should wear comfortable clothing to include a long sleeve crew neck style shirt and closed toe athletic or boot style footwear. The wearing of a brimmed ball cap is suggested, however not required.

Equipment: Students should bring their own AK style rifle to this class, however limited rental rifles are available with prior notice. Shooters should bring at least three (3) full bodied/NJ compliant magazines (10 rounds each).  Ammunition required is 50 rounds, (the ammo must not have a steel core or an armor piercing (AP) projectile).

Safety: Both hearing and eye protection are required, and if not owned, can be purchased through us at a discounted package price.

Waivers: If you have not already done so, the required general liability waiver can be downloaded and completed on-line before your scheduled training session if you prefer:

  1. General release of liability waiver (required annually).
  2. Rental firearm use waiver-must be completed on the day of training if a TTC rental firearm is to be used for this training. If using a TTC rental firearm, ammunition must be purchased from us to be used in our firearm.